Marcos Breder, Professor, Fundação Dom Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Marcos Breder

Marcos Breder is the founder of NOA Coworking | Belo Horizonte, Lourdes. Development of classes and workshops on innovation, in Design Thinking and Business Model Generation methodologies. Marcos teaches postgraduate courses at the UNA and BI International university centers. He is the 2nd Place winner of the Sebrae Entrepreneurial Culture Award, High school category. 2014 Winner 2nd Place of HACKATHON government of Minas, project: From 2011-2013, Marcos Breder taught at the State University of Minas Gerais, Product Design course. During this time he undertook research projects supported by CNPq.

Marcos Breder is a specialist in business management from FDC, 2008.

Marcos was employed by Sebrae in 2011.

Marcos Breder was a professor at FUMEC University of Belo Horizonte from 2004 to 2009, in the Product Design course teaching disciplines related to professional practice (based on entrepreneurship). in 2005, Marcos Breder was the coordinator of the Design Workshop held in the city of Carmo do Cajuru, which is the 2nd furniture hub in the state of Minas Gerais. He coordinated a team made up of designers, developing product design for 11 companies participating in the project.

Initiative: Sebrae, IEL, Senai, Fiemg-CO, Sindimov and businesspeople. Participation in the “Estanho Novo” project in 2005, an action promoted by Sebrae/MG in the city of São João Del Rei (MG) to revitalize the tin trade in the region.

Marcos Breder participated in the “Ubá Furniture Collection of Minas” in 2004, an action promoted by Sebrae/MG in the furniture hub of Ubá (MG). He received an honorable mention for the PICNIC project at the 1st Mueller/Fiat Talent Awards, 2008. Project ”Estação Limoeiro” Winner of the 1st Minas Design Award, December 2007.

He completed his Master in Materials Engineering in 2004 from REDEMAT (UFOP/MG), Specializing in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral (BH) in 2008.

Graduated from the School of Design, 2000. Interest in entrepreneurship, innovation and design.

Connect with Marcos Breder on LinkedIn.