Fabrice Luit
Fabrice Liut is a designer who applies systemic thinking and regenerative principles from the living - biomimicry. Fabrice Luit brings a sensitivity and adapted methodologies to interconnect humans and facilitate collaborations. Fabrice Luit participates in catalyzing initiatives and creating common resources to deal with our social problems and transform them into opportunities for collective development.
Luit Design works on a combination of reflection and analysis, according to a systemic thought process of organizations and their problems to build regenerative, agile, robust and prosperous "human systems". Fabrice Luit is inspired by nature and especially biomimicry for all subjects of transformation. Fabrice Luit is a Google Design Sprint expert and facilitator, with more than 35 case studies in all types of structures and scales. UX / UI designer, expert and Sketch app trainer, specialized in the realization of rapid prototypes.
Connect with Fabrice Luit on LinkedIn.
See his work at Luit Design.
Je suis Designer. J’applique une pensée systémique et des principes régénératifs venant du vivant (biomimétisme). J’apporte une sensibilité et des méthodologies adaptées pour interconnecter les humains et faciliter les collaborations. Je participe à catalyser les initiatives et à créer les ressources en communs pour traiter nos problèmes de société et les transformer en opportunités d'évolutions collectives.