Karl Stevenson
As an activator, strategic and future thinker Karl Stevenson has a unique skillset which allows him to see unique connections, outcomes and future states.
Karl Stevenson rapidly finds and translates insights into high value actionable business, product and service strategies and he has honed his skills in user centered design, strategic direction, sales and marketing and team connection and facilitation.
Karl Stevenson has been fortunate to work, learn and share my skill set across many cultures including the USA, NZ, Australia, United Kingdom, Europe and Scandinavia and he's energized by getting people together and seeing the absolute gold that is inside all of our teams.
As an extension of this and with some amazing creative peeps, Karl Stevenson founded a Design Thinking MeetUp in Tauranga to help build this capability within his local community. You should check it out!
Connect with Karl Stevenson on LinkedIn.