Jodie Tipping
Jodie Tipping is the founder and a current director of a vibrant and successful technology consulting and development company called Cucumber. Cucumber has had a fabulous journey over 14 years and Jodie Tipping has learned so much about people, technology and business management from being in an industry that is in perpetual change.
Although Cucumber was formed well before the term “Digital Transformation” was coined actually we have been helping companies to transform from the beginning. Jodie Tipping totally encourages her team to fully understand their customer’s challenges first and use digital capabilities as one of the vehicles to achieve those outcomes.
Having been at the coal face for over a decade Jodie Tipping understands what some of the challenges are to grow a company. There are also more than ever greater opportunities especially in the current global environment to leverage technology. Jodie Tipping is very keen to dedicate more of her time to help businesses to communicate, leverage technology and help them grow and be brave.
Connect with Jodie Tipping on LinkedIn.