Nicole Mulumby
Dr. Nicole Molumby is a Professor at Boise State University, Department of Music teaching flute and ear training. Internationally, she has performed in Skofia Loka Slovenia, Trondheim Norway, Eisenstadt Austria, Split Croatia, Manchester UK. In 2012 she received an Idaho Commission on the Arts Fellowship in Performing Arts, as well as a BSU Arts and Humanities Fellowship for her contributions and performances of newly commissioned flute music by Slovenian Composers. In 2011, she was also named the College Music Society’s Technology Award recipient for her innovative teaching strategies using iPads in the University Aural Skills Class. Performance engagements have included: principal flute at the Classical Music Festival in Eisenstadt, Austria (2002-2009); substitute flute with the Boise Philharmonic Orchestra (2008-present); National Flute Association National Convention in 2010-15; and College Music Society national and regional conferences 2005-2013. She has taught at “Passion Flute” Summer Course since 2011 with Angeleita Floyd, Jill Felber, and Claudia Anderson.
Dr. Nicole Molumby is the Myrna Brown International Scholarship Liaison for NFA. She was adjudicator for the Horsfall Flute Competition (Seattle, WA), MTNA Regional Woodwind Competition, and Idaho Music Educators Association. She is serving on the Board of Directors for the College Music Society as Performance Chair.
Currently, Dr. Nicole Molumby is practicing and teaching a guided meditation called iRest (Integrative Restoration), and is a Level 1 iRest Certified Teacher. Her CD “Awakening”: 21st Century Slovenian Flute Music will be released on MSR Classical Records in the fall of 2013. She is an active performer and clinician in the US and Eastern Europe and is a MSR Classic Records recording artist.
Connect with Dr. Nicole Molumby on LinkedIn or on her personal website