Design Thinking Also Needs Design Doing and Design Culture

Mark Curtis is the co-founder of Fjord, a design and innovation consultancy that was acquired by Accenture in May 2013. Curtis and Fjord operate under the rule of three for design, which incorporates design thinking, design doing and design culture, which he explained at Inspirefest 2016.

Fjord - The Strategic Importance of Design

Most Management Consultancies have bought Design Firms in the past few years as they realize the importance of Design in creating customer value. Accenture bought Fjord about 7 years ago. This case study covers how Fjord and Accenture operate and the impact of the two on each other.

The Strategic Importance of Design

Fjord is an international design and innovation consultancy which was acquired by Accenture Interactive in 2013. It has a structured design process and is increasingly working at a senior level within clients’ organizations, applying design thinking to strategic business challenges.

Accenture - Design Thinking: It Really is Different

At Accenture, Design Thinking is a methodology for generating innovative solutions to complex business problems.  It draws upon logic, imagination and intuition to explore the possibilities of “what could be” – and to produce desired outcomes that benefit the end user or customer.

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