Matt Templeton is a Design Thinking Association Boston Chapter Leader

Matt Templeton

Matt Templeton is an artist, designer and educator. His work has been exhibited internationally, received critical acclaim and is in various collections and publications.

Matt Templeton has worked as a designer with businesses of all shapes and sizes. He is currently working as Principal Design Strategist, HealthSuite Labs Engagement Lead NA, Philips Experience Design.

Matt Templeton earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in drawing, painting and design from the Art Institute of Boston and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the Slade Institute of Fine Arts, University College London. Matt Templeton is a Board Member at the Design Museum Boston, an executive coach at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford ( and a member of the Dean's Council, College of Architecture, Design and Construction Management, Wentworth Institute of Technology.

He has been a professor of art and design at many different schools including the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and RISD. The thread through all of Matt Templeton’s work is human-centered design; creative confidence; and helping people work with more skillfulness, effectiveness and delight. In his free time Matt enjoys surfing the cold waters off of New England and making music with his daughter.

Matt Templeton plays well with others and always cleans up after himself. 

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