Zoe Rosen
Zoe Rosen lives for cultural & behavioural anthropology, Human Centred Design & Design Thinking methodologies. This skill set allows her to flexibly move between industries & provides her with strong research fundamentals, enabling her to deep dive into human behavior & unpack the latent opportunities that businesses are looking for. Zoe Rosen operates across business functions & through all elements of the Double Diamond process. Zoe Rosen is an expert at creating a unified UX practice and has established capability matrices, identified appropriate tools & assessed RAID in projects.
During Zoe Rosen's career she has learnt to adapt the foundations of research to business requirements. Zoe Rosen enjoys working with cross functional teams, supporting, mentoring & up-skilling those around her in all things Human Centered from Board level to front end staff and internal & external customers.
Zoe Rosen's passion and enthusiasm is reflected in her commitment to the broader community through her involvement with Sydney Design Thinking, which now has +7500 active members. Zoe Rosen has appeared as guest panelist and she has spoken and delivered keynote talks across Sydney. Zoe Rosen is known for her high energy and passion for her topics and love of sharing with others.
Career Highlight:
- Public talks on HCD, Design Thinking & Research. Mentoring within the UXD community & growing the Sydney Design Thinking Meetup group.
- Worked as a researcher, data analysis & logistics co-ordinator in South Africa on behalf of National Geographic’s Rising Star work in conjunction with Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, SA. Two years later, in the October 2015 edition of National Geographic, the team Zoe was on were proud to announce the discovery of a new species of early homo, Homo Naledi
- Experience with banks, insurance & health care companies conducting a range of quality qualitative research, including ethnographic research, contextual inquiries, user testing etc. Generating end to end service design, personas, customer journeys and generating actionable customer insights nationally & internationally.
- Qualified in HCD (Human Centered Design) (IDEO), Conflict Resolution & workplace management (Sydney University)
- Accepted into a Masters program's for research (MRES) & science at UTS.
Connect with Zoe Rosen on LinkedIn.