The Design Thinking Association is a member-supported organization dedicated to the development of a community for design Thinkers and the advancement of the discipline of Design Thinking. The Association was started in early 2020 to create a physical and virtual community to support the hundreds of thousands of people who are using Design Thinking to solve problems in their corporations, governmental departments and non-profits.
The Design Thinking Association's goal is to bring an understanding and level of competence in Design Thinking to every organization while working to continuously raise the standard of Design Thinking in practice.
Design Thinking is a methodology and mindset for solving problems, big and small. By solving one problem at a time Design Thinkers help organizations apply their creative resources to better meet the needs of their customers and end users.
The association’s initial focus while we navigate the COVID19 pandemic will be on creating a website with reference site by gathering, curating and hosting design thinking content, case studies, issues and certification for the practitioner, no matter their level of experience.
Become a founding member before the end of 2020.
As this is our founding year, we are extending an offer to join us today to support the development of Design Thinking and the resources available to your community on this website. Founding members receive a substantial membership discount for their first continuous 5 years of membership as well as special recognition and promotion on this website.