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Design Thinking has been successfully used in the Telecommunications Industry by institutions such as Ericsson and Clearbridge Mobile. Read case studies on these corporations involvement with design thinking and other thought leadership articles about the use of design thinking in Telecommunications on this page.


In a world driven by the expansion of connectivity and smartphone sales, the demand for voice services and activation of SIM cards is still the norm. One large telecom operator noticed a high return and rejection rates on their pre-paid SIM cards, after the activation process, resulting in an annual deficit close to a million.

Through a design thinking project they were able to improve customer satisfaction by significantly reducing SIM card activation time by 80%.

Sanjay Malhotra, CTO of Clearbridge Mobile discusses 5 lessons he has learned while converting his team to a design thinking mindset. He offers some sound advice from his experience running Design Thinking projects about what to look for and focus on during the process, that may seem counter intuitive at first, but make a lot of sense.


We were interested in how design thinking contributes to the Innova system. One of the most interesting things we found was that Innova doesn’t use design thinking as a first step to develop initial ideas. Instead, they apply design thinking to assess existing ideas and turn them into marketable concepts.